Florida Atlantic University High School (FAU High School) is a public, dual enrollment high school on the campus of Florida Atlantic University in both Boca Raton, and Jupiter, Florida. FAU High School serves grades 9-12 and although the school is not part of the Palm Beach County School System, it is recognized as a public school under the auspices of the State University System. The school has been awarded an "A" rating since its inception in 2004.
FAU High School is unique by the advanced coursework and classroom setting that 9th graders participate in. FAU High School prepares all students to transition to Florida Atlantic University, as 10th graders, where they complete the rest of their high school coursework and begin their undergraduate degrees in a major of their choosing. A typical graduate of FAU High School earns three years worth of college credits towards a bachelor’s degree.
Applications are open on September 1st each school year the deadline is January 15. Although the FAU High School application remains open until June 1st, there is no guarantee the application will be reviewed or considered if submitted after the final deadline of January 15.
A.D. Henderson University School and FAU High School endeavors to: (1) demonstrate best practices in teacher education; (2) innovate, develop, and provide students a challenging curriculum, balanced with innovative academic support; and (3) conduct and support emerging educational research.
A.D. Henderson University School and FAU High School is a national exemplary model for school systems and teacher preparation programs improving education for diverse student populations through innovative, faculty-developed research and curriculum.
School Plans & Reports
- FLDOE Instruction Reporting Portal
- English Language Learners (ELL) Plan
- FAU Lab Instructional Evaluation System
- Financial Reports
- Professional Learning Catalog
- Mental Health Plan
- School Improvement Plan
- Student Progression Plan
- The purpose of this link is to display the calculations used by the Legislature, consistent with the requirements of the Florida Statutes, in making appropriations for the Florida Education Finance Program
Faculty & Staff
Our instructors are subject matter experts that are driven to develop and implement unconventional approaches – like using unmanned terrestrial, aerial, and water vehicles to teach the principles of engineering, or providing a classroom environment that gives students space to conduct ground-breaking peer-reviewed, published research. These experiences change our students’ lives and our students, in turn, change the world.
Our skilled instructional leaders are passionately focused on developing and caring for the holistic student. Their lesson planning and execution integrate the higher cognitive levels of learning, including applying learned concepts, analyzing new information within the concepts, evaluating the validity and reliability of information and finally, synthesizing newly acquired knowledge through an interdisciplinary approach to create ever-evolving new instructional models. This cyclical student-centered collaboration process serves as a framework for constant instructional innovation.
If you need to contact any of our faculty or staff, please find their contact information here.
Research Committee
The Office of PK12 Schools and Educational Programs Research Committee endeavors to conduct and support educational and developmental research within our school systems. Through these research initiatives, we improve education for our own diverse student population as well as those at educational institutions across the country. This unique mission is what makes us an exemplary model for PK-12 programs across the nation.
We invite you to read more about our mission and members. Please contact us with any questions, comments, or to initiate a project.
Program Cost
FAU High School is a public school governed by Florida Atlantic University and has no tuition cost, lab fees, or book costs to students. Families are financially responsible for an annual activity fee, FAU Parking and Transportation fee, orientation fee, and, in 9th grade, an iPad rental fee. The activity fee charge goes towards the students’ non-instructional student activities including extracurricular activities, sports, field trips, and other student-related costs. Students participating in the reduced lunch program must provide appropriate financial documentation and be approved by the school to receive a reduced or free activity rate. Find a summary of these costs here.
All 9th graders at FAU High School are required to pay a 9th Grade iPad Fee that covers freshmen use of a school purchased iPad for all school classwork, homework, textbook use, and extracurricular use.
Along with the FAU High School Activity Fee, FAU High School students are responsible for an FAU Transportation Access Fee that covers costs associated with their studies at Florida Atlantic University.
On average, graduates of FAU High School earn 95 university credits by high school graduation; some students even receive their Bachelor’s Degree from Florida Atlantic University before their high school diploma. FAU High School, in partnership with the Office of Financial Aid, currently offers the Talon Scholarship to all qualified high school graduates to complete their Bachelor’s degree at Florida Atlantic University within two years of graduation from FAU High School
- A.D. Henderson Admissions Policy
- FAU High School Admissions Policy
- Attendance & Tardy Policy
- Code of Student Conduct
- Clinic Policy & Procedures
- K-12 Discipline Matrix
- Dress Code
- Exceptional Student Education Special Policies
- Family Education Rights and Privacy Act
- Fee Policy
- Instructional Materials & Textbook Policy
- Health and Wellness Policy
- Homeless Education Program
- Medical Marijuana Policy
- Meal Charging Policy
- Parents' Bill of Rights
- Policy Against Bullying and Harassment
- Student Control Restraint Policy
- Student-Parent Handbook
- Technology Policy & Guidelines
- Threat Management Policy & Procedures
- Florida Atlantic University Policies
School Advisory Body
The mission of the A.D. Henderson & FAU High School Advisory Body is the development and implementation of the School Improvement Plan and the provision of general oversight and guidance for the Florida Atlantic University Developmental Research Schools, as provided under Florida law.
To read about the FAU Schools Advisory Body, or view its members, please visit them here.
HenTech Support
A. D. Henderson University School has many different devices being used in school and numerous applications that are supported throughout our curriculum. Our school has a technology resource for parents and students designed for families to submit any technology questions regarding any of our supported applications or devices (examples – Google drive, School Pass, Focus, iPads, Kindle, Marketplace, Canvas, Chromebooks, etc.). Questions will be vetted to the proper personnel and you will receive a response within 48 hours.
Parent Teacher Organization
The FAU Schools Parent Teacher Organization is a very involved group of people who work hand in hand with teachers and staff for the benefit of our students. Volunteering as part of the PTO is the best way to support your school, your teacher and your child! We have events occurring all year long.
Consider becoming a member of the PTO and help us maximize the impact of the educational experience for all kids at Florida Atlantic University High School.
School Calendars
FAU High School students follow different school calendars depending on their grade level and coursework. 9th-grade students follow the A.D. Henderson University School & FAU High School Calendar, while 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students must follow the FAU University Calendar.
FAU High School is within its own school district and thus does not necessarily follow any other school district's calendar. Our calendar is voted on and is then approved by our School Advisory Body.
- 2024-2025 School Calendar
- 2024-2025 A/B School Calendar
- FAU Calendar
- 2024-2025 Uniform Assessment Calendar
- 2025-2026 School Calendar
- 2025-2026 A/B School Calendar
School Forms
School Newsletter
A.D. Henderson & FAU High School publish a newsletter every month highlighting the innovative programs and exceptional students that make up our Owl Community. If you'd like to view past issues or subscribe, visit us here.
Contact Us
FAU High School is located on the Boca Raton campus of Florida Atlantic University which is approximately 1/2 miles east of the Glades Road exit from I-95.
Florida Atlantic University 777 Glades Road Boca Raton, FL 33431 office: (561) 297-4707 Email: fauhsinfo@adhus.fau.edu |
FAU High School - Jupiter Campus in partnership with Max Planck Academy FAU John D. Macarthur Campus at Jupiter 5353 Parkside Drive Jupiter, FL 33458 office: (561) 297-4707 Email: faumpainfo@fau.edu |