Digital Native Learning Practices Study

Thursday, Sep 29, 2022

Do you find the traditional lecture format lackluster? Do you think your university professors could update their method of teaching to adapt to the Information Age? Dr. Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski and Marc Wharton are conducting a study to assess the learning preferences of digital native students compared to non-native students. Your parents did not grow up with technology at their fingertips. YOU are the digital native. Technology has changed, but teaching practices have not. The current study will look at digital natives and their learning preferences compared to digital non-natives. The study looks to determine best pedagogical practices for a new generation of digital native learners. The study is seeking 10th -12 graders.

Please contact Marc Wharton 561.291.9166 or if you are interested in participating in this innovative study looking to adapt teaching strategies to the next generation’s needs!
