The A.D. Henderson University School & FAU High School program is based on the National Standards for School Counseling Programs and the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) National Model.

The School Counseling Team provides comprehensive counseling programs that incorporate prevention and intervention with continuous academic, career, and personal/development activities that will prepare students for meaningful participation in a diverse, changing world. These activities include classroom lessons, small groups for skill mastery, individual counseling for students with specific needs, and a variety of other proactive and innovative ways to support student performance.

We collaborate and provide resources to staff, students, families, and others to ensure that a family-friendly environment is established and that students have access to support services necessary for academic and social/emotional growth.

K-12 School Counseling Team

Lisa Spaulding Director of School Counseling,
9th Grade Counselor
Chris Gaspar

9th Grade School Counselor

Jaclyn Magrisso

10 - 12  School Counselor (A- K)


Grantis Bell

10 - 12  School Counselor (L-Z ) gbell4@fau.edu

Stephany Bonhometre, LCSW

CAPS Counselor sbonhometre@health.fau.edu

School Counseling Direct Services:

School counselors provide direct counseling services to students through school counseling core curriculum (classroom), small groups, and individual counseling. While school counselors work from a proactive, preventive model, they also provide response services and work together to meet students’ immediate needs and concerns. Responsive services may include brief individual sessions and/or small groups to target specific needs, or crisis response.

School Counseling Indirect Services:

Indirect services are provided on behalf of student as a result of school counselors’ interactions with others. This may include referrals for additional assistance, community outreach, and consultation and collaboration with parents, teachers, other educators. Indirect activities may include:

  • Consultation
  • Community outreach
  • Directing parents and students to school and community resources
  • School-wide interventions & initiatives that improve school culture and climate
  • Parent outreach & education
  • Referrals to outside agencies 



School Counseling Newsletter

27 Sep
September 27, 2024

October is National Bullying Prevention Month, and we are excited to join schools and communities worldwide in spreading kindness and promoting respect. As a Character Counts! school, we are dedicated to creating a safe and...

27 Aug
30 Apr
April 30, 2024

As we approach the end of another academic year, it's the perfect time to celebrate the successes of all our students. Each child's journey is unique, and success can be defined in countless ways, whether it's improved grades,...